Prof. George A. Tsihrintzis received the Diploma of Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece (with honors) and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. He is currently a Professor in The University of Piraeus, Greece and, during 2016-2020, he served as Head of its Department of Informatics. From 2008 to 2022, he served as the Director of the Graduate Program of Study in “Advanced Computing and Informatics Systems” of the Department. During the period 2016-2020, he was a Member of the first Administration Council of the University of Piraeus. Currently, he is serving again as a Member of the Administration Council of the University of Piraeus for a four-year term (2022-2026). His current research interests include Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Decision Theory, and Statistical Signal Processing and their applications in Internet-of-Things Technologies, Multimedia Interactive Services, User Modeling, Knowledge-based Software Systems, Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval. He has authored or co-authored over 350 research publications in these areas, which have appeared in international journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings. He has served as the principal investigator or co-investigator in several R&D projects. He is the editor-in-chief of the Intelligent Decision Technologies Journal (IOS Press). During 2012-2022, he was the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies (Inderscience). He has been the editor-in-chief of the Engineering Section of SpringerPlus. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of the Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems book series (Springer 2019-) and the Artificial Intelligence-Enhanced Software and Systems Engineering book series (Springer 2022-). He is a co-founder and co-chair of the Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA)conference series. He has authored 6 monographs. He has edited 35 books and 16 special issues in various international journals. He has organized and chaired 40 international conferences. He has received best paper awards from several international conferences and he has been a keynote speaker at several international conferences.
Prof. Alberto Meiss is the Director of GIR Architecture & Energy, in which the HS3 Ventilation Laboratory of Universidad de Valladolid is integrated. This group is a national benchmark in the field of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in homes and residential ventilation. In this line, this research group developed the first version of the current DB HS3 Indoor Air Quality of the Technical Building Code, which constituted the standard that regulated for the first time ventilation in Spanish dwellings.
The research field of his specialisation focuses on the evaluation of ventilation efficiency of flow patterns and uncontrolled airflows through leakages. Both phenomena are related to pollutant spread in living spaces and the implementation of strategies for their safe dilution by means of energy-efficient ventilation systems, maintaining users comfort. The constant funding obtained through several research projects and agreements with public and private entities has enabled a stable and consolidated structure in HS3 Ventilation Laboratory. Currently, it integrates 6 PhD architects focused on research and two predoctoral researchers.
Specialized work has also allowed the establishment of a stable collaboration network with other international research groups, endorsed by joint work, which resulted in the exchange of researchers and scientific papers. Last year, Prof. Meiss was elected Head of the Department of Architectural Constructions, which is made up of related areas of the Technical School of Architecture and the School of Industrial Engineering of the Universidad de Valladolid.
His research work also includes the specialized collaboration in 20 research projects with public entities and private companies, and the registration as author of two patents.In the educational field, he is responsible for the area of "Conditioning and Systems in Buildings and the Urban Environment" of the Technical School of Architecture of Valladolid. Under his supervision, three doctoral theses have been defended in the field of air quality and ventilation.
Finally, it is worth adding some objective indicators of the quality of his scientific production:
- 2 recognised six-year research periods (2008-2019)
- h-index = 11
- Citations = 307
- 33 papers JCR (9Q1,8Q2,10Q3,6Q4)
- 2 scientific book
- 7 national conference paper

Dipl.-Ing Architect Klaus Th. Luig studied civil engineering at the TU Dortmund, graduated at Technical University of Kaiserslautern, (Germany), in Architecture (1989). He funded his architectural firm 3L in 1989. Today 3L has a staff of 25 experts, including architects, civil engineers and designers. Since 1990 3L started to be involved in national and international R&D projects. Until today about 40 projects have been realised in the expert fields of innovative building structure, façade systems, disruptive methodologies to raise the efficiency and effectiveness of the building process. Klaus Luig published seven books and several scientific papers. He is lecturing at the University of applied science in Dortmund in the masterclass module focusing on innovative façades and building envelopes. Furthermore, Klaus Luig was lecturing at the Kaohsiung Solar School in Taiwan, the National Taiwan University in Taipei, The University of Sharjah, UAE. Current project volumes of the architectural firm at national and international level cover range of 10 to 60 Mio.€ often implementing new products and technologies. In Horizon Europe 3L is currently involved in three projects. REINCARNATE is dealing with avoidance of building waste, reuse and repurposing of materials developing new, upgraded building products, BIO4EEB -coordinated by 3L- is developing bio based building products enhancing the physical performance of buildings at a higher level comparable costs compared with regular building products and solutions. The upcoming project DeCO2 aims to address the compelling need for advancing innovative technological applications and solutions on the built environment, focusing on building elements, materials, products, and technologies that help to decarbonize the building stock .