BUILDSPACE aims to build an interoperable platform that offers added value services at building and city scale, including EGNSS-based applications for building construction, monitoring and renovation and Copernicus-data driven services for energy performance at city-level for analysis, forecast resilience to climate change.

BUILDSPACE aims to build a baseline core platform that will implement the interfaces to EGNSS services, Copernicus core services and external data sources, such as external data repositories and IoT data. On top of the Core and External Services Layer, BUILDSPACE will provide a Data Federation Layer that is composed of standard-compliant connectors to gather, standardise and make data available to application providers and external stakeholders. External data repositories and other data sources will be integrated in a seamless manner, providing standard APIs for accessing respective data and metadata. In addition, BUILDSPACE core platform will provide horizontal services related to User Management, Access Control and Data Discovery services.
On top of the core platform, BUILDSPACE will offer the following services to different building stakeholders and will provide analysis and decision support services for sustainable development and energy retrofitting in buildings at building and city scale. More specifically, the BUILDSPACE Services (SE) at building level supporting building construction, monitoring and renovation are:
SE1. Digital Twin Generation
This service will integrate methods for generating the geometry of Digital Twins of Buildings from locally sourced geometry data and will build the associated interfaces for human-information interaction between users and Digital Twins in mixed reality environments. The resulting DTs will be linked with EGNSS data for integration into city-scale models, and enable users to visualise the resulting DTs in mixed reality environments. This service will enable interactive screenuse, VR and AR interfaces for visualising DTs at construction site and 3D DT visualisation for existing buildings.
SE2. Digital Twins enrichment by combining UAV, thermography and SLAM approaches
This service will enable the integration of Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) based approaches, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) platforms and thermal analysis for Digital Twins enrichment for an advanced and accurate building energy performance assessment.
The BUILDSPACE Services (SE) at city level supporting buildings/buildings stock analysis, forecast and resilience to climate change and natural hazards are:
SE3. Building Environment Climate Scenarios
This service will support urban stakeholders (e.g. urban planners, real estate and construction companies) in understanding how the building stock energy demand will be affected in the future by climate change. The service will rely on forecast of energy demand according to the standard accepted CMIP 6 scenarios (SSPs- RCPs) through downscaling the climate data and calibrating them with historical data from weather stations. Results from CMIP6 existing models at 100 x100 km of spatial resolution will be used to obtain high-resolution datasets (up to 100m) at local scale.
SE4. Urban Heat Analysis and Resilience
This service will analyse urban heat at high resolution and will combine demographic data to calculate the so-called urban heat risk and assess social vulnerability to heat. The service will combine the high-resolution urban heat analysis with socio-economic and demography data to evaluate the impact of Urban Heat Island (UHI) and other microclimatic phenomena on the energy performance of buildings. The service will incorporate a decision support service that will guide urban stakeholders' adaptation and mitigation strategies to climate change at building-neighbourhood scales.
SE5. Urban Flood Resilience
This service will combine Copernicus data and available public or city data (buildings, green areas, identified green roofs and facades) and systematic measurements of temperature, humidity, and rain amounts (for at least one year) to increase building resilience to flood damages in urban environments. In addition, the service will provide a decision support tool providing condition instructions for building renovations and blue-green infrastructure design and implementation to increase building resilience.