Updates from SE5
BUILDSPACE addresses the resilience of buildings to projected climate change, both from increased temperatures and from more intense and more frequent flooding. The Urban Flood Resilience service, SE5, integrates Copernicus data with public and city data, along with systematic weather measurements, to enhance building resilience against flood damage in urban areas.
By analyzing factors like building structures, green spaces, and climate conditions, it offers a decision support tool for guiding building renovations and the design and implementation of blue-green infrastructure. This comprehensive approach aims to bolster urban resilience and mitigate flood risks effectively. This service will be tested in a pilot in Slovenia, covering the Ljubljana urban region.
The pre-pilot phase of the pilot looked at expected flood damage to buildings, considering:
- flood extent scenarios with flood protection measures in place, and
- increased flood extent scenarios with climate change taken into account.
Damage to building structures and equipment, human health, clean-up costs and damage to vehicles were considered. The values were summarised according to a methodology developed for Slovenia, with some simplifications required for the purpose of developing the application.
The following figures show some screenshots of the application developed in the pre-pilot phase.

In its current form, the application allows the user to visualise floods with statistical return periods of 10, 100 or 500 years (A).
When the user selects a flood, they can select (outline) the area of interest (B).
The application calculates the flood damage for all the buildings flooded in the selected area based on the embedded building data (C).
In the scenario analysis, the user can modify the flood reach by including a climate change scenario or a scenario of flood protection measures (D).
The results are currently displayed on a map (colour scale), but visualisation with graphs and tables will be added in the next phase. The development of the application functionality related to the impact of blue-green infrastructure measures on surface runoff in urban areas will follow.

BUILDSPACE's Urban Flood Resilience service, SE5, utilizes Copernicus data and weather measurements to enhance building resilience against climate change-induced flooding.
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